How Does Alexander Technique Work

 As we go through our day, we are never in a vacuum. Through our senses we are constantly in contact with our surroundings - people, places, objects. Touch, smell, taste, eyesight and hearing - they all give us valuable input. An overlooked and often forgotten sense is kinesthesia - a sense that informs a person where his or her body and limbs are in space and what it feels like to move. Alexander Technique at its core is a reeducation of the kinesthetic sense, or kinesthetic awareness.

Alexander technique helps you restore the natural balanced relationship between the head and the spine, which in turn helps the whole organism to align itself in most efficient and effortless way. It is not a coincidence that the word “organism” is related to the word “organize”. The relationship of head and spine in human being is the organizing principal for the functioning of the whole person.

Alexander Technique teacher guides the student verbally as well as kinesthetically, by gently placing his or her hands on various areas of student’s body. The organism is then able to revert to the natural inherent way of moving in an effortless manner. Freeing the tension in neck muscles allows the organism to free up tensions through the rest of the body. absence of unnecessary tensions creates surge in productivity, That in turn lets the person accomplish increasingly demanding and complicated tasks with least amount of energy.

This effect of Alexander Technique can be described as “addition by subtraction”, a term often used in business team building. It refers to the process of removing people from a group in order to make the overall team stronger.


Benefits of Alexander Technique


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