
Large number of actors, singers, writers, scientists and other famous personalities (not necessarily performers) have taken Alexander Technique lessons.

Here are some names (in no particular order): Dame Maggie Smith, Sir Ben Kingsley, Sting, Paul McCartney, Tony Buzan, Robin Williams, Hilary Swank, Keanu Reeves, Yehudi Menuhin, Pierce Brosnan, Kevin Kline, Nikolas Tinbergen, George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, Benjamin Libet, Frederick Perls, Gary Burton, Julian Lage.


A number of medical research studies have been completed in regards of scientifically measurable effects of Alexander Technique lessons.

Self-efficacy and embodiment associated with Alexander Technique lessons: A longitudinal qualitative sub-study:

Alexander Technique lessons led to long-term improvements in the way participants lived their daily lives and managed their neck pain. Alexander lessons promote self-efficacy and self-care, with consequent reductions in chronic neck pain:

Acupuncture sessions and Alexander Technique lessons both led to significant reductions in neck pain compared with usual care at 12 months, longer-term benefits were sustained:

Group AT classes may provide a cost-effective approach to reducing neck pain:

Current Approaches for Management of Music Performance Anxiety:

AT in Arts and Sciences


How does AT work